Northwest Passages

Concerning the activities on and around the waters of

The Salish Sea

A project of the Northwest Schooner Society

Site launched 13 April, 2013. Lots to do!


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Lighthouses of Washington State

Admiralty Head Alki Point Browns Point Burrows Island Bush Point Cape Disappointment Cape Flattery Cattle Point Destruction Island Dofflemeyer Point Ediz Hook Gig Harbor Grays Harbor (Westport) Lightship Swiftsure LV 83/WAL 513 Lime Kiln Marrowstone Point Mukilteo New Dungeness North Head Patos Island Point No Point Point Robinson Point Wilson Skunk Bay Slip Point Turn Point West Point Alki Point Browns Point Admiralty Head Bush Point Cape Disappointment Burrows Island Cattle Point Destruction Island Cape Flattery Ediz Hook Gig Harbor Dofflemeyer Point Lightship Swiftsure LV 83/WAL 513 Lime Kiln Grays Harbor (Westport) Mukilteo New Dungeness Marrowstone Point Patos Island Point No Point North Head Point Wilson Skunk Bay Point Robinson Turn Point West Point Slip Point


Copyright Northwest Schooner Society/Northwest Passages 2013

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